About Me

Hi My Name is Wendy Mellor

I started this website back in 2013 because of my personal frustrations I had with the size of my breasts.

I was one of those teenagers that I guess lacked either an abundance of hormones or good genetics in the breast department, either way, I have always had small breasts.

As I got older having big breasts were not as important to me but I still wanted a natural way to make them bigger.

I think I have tried just about every breast enlargement method possible. There were times I had considered breast implant surgery, but I also want to have kids and having implants did not seem like a good idea, not only because of health reasons but also because it’s risky and expensive.

What I learned

Natural breast enlargement is all about trial and error and a lot of failures. Not every breast enlargement method is perfect. and believe me, I have tried everything from breast massage, pumps, creams, and pills.

Most breast enlargement creams help stimulate hormone production, this is not a bad thing. I believe my breasts did not fully develop during puberty due to low estrogen levels.

Women like myself who did not fully develop during puberty seem to react better to breast creams and are able to increase the size of breasts to their full potential.

For me breast creams worked very well, some products work better than others. I have been using natural breast enlargement methods off and on for over 5 years.

Not one single method is perfect

I wish I could say that I found the perfect cream or supplement that made my breasts bigger, unfortunately, I have used many creams and pills. Products that either contain Volufiline or Pueraria Mirifica work the best.

For me, I found the best results came from using multiple methods

For me, using multiple breast enhancement methods works the best.  Breast creams seemed to be the cheapest and most effective way for me to begin my breast enlargement journey.

Breast creams are easy to get and simple to use. Once I started seeing results I wanted to take things further and found that vacuum therapy amplified the results. Using a breast cream along with a breast enlargement pump worked the best for me.

I also found that massaging my breasts after using a vacuum pump or when applying a cream helps stimulate blood flow and probably had to do with increasing the size of my breasts. I easily went from a B cup to a C cup in a few months and have continued to grow over the last few years.

What to expect from natural breast enlargement methods

There are many women who will fail with natural breast enlargement, I believe it is like anything in life,  if your heart and soul is not into it you will probably fail. From my own personal experience, natural breast enlargement methods take time, dedication, and hard work.

For me, it was a lot of trial and error. If you are not willing to put forth some effort you will probably fail, but if you are, the results can be rewarding.

All the methods and reviews on my blog are about products I have used and all of them have helped me increase the size of my breasts (some more than others).

A few of the products I have used in the past have been discontinued, but most of them are still around, many of them have even improved the formula and are more effective than when I began using them.

I hope you find my information helpful. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me I am more than happy to answer any questions you may have. I wish you the best on your breast enlargement journey.

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