Do Natural Breast Enhancement Supplements Work?

Making Your Breasts Bigger With Supplements

I just had a discussion with a close friend of mine about natural breast enhancement supplements and their effectiveness, sure there are thousands of websites out there that claim success, but they are usually trying to sell you something.

I came across several sites after doing a search specifically on “natural breast enhancement” and to my surprise the first couple of searches that popped up were from Wikipedia and Mayo Clinic, both claiming that these products did not work.

Google Search Herbal Breast Enhancement

On the Mayo Clinic website, a doctor mentions that breast augmentation supplements should not be used with certain medicines, to me that is contradictory.

First of all the doctor is saying that the herbs themselves won’t have any effect whatsoever on breast growth, yet it is recommended that they not be taken with certain hormone treatments and medications, personally to me this means that they do have some effect on the body, which could also mean that they will have a significant effect on increasing the size of your breasts.

Later a doctor in a closing statement recommends other methods of breast augmentation, which clearly makes sense; breast augmentation surgery is a huge moneymaker in the modern world.

Doctors make a lucrative living on cosmetic surgery along with promoting prescription medications.

So realistically any doctor in their right mind would tend to steer anyone away from using something all-natural, especially when it is not going to benefit them financially.

Breast enhancement work answer

Natural breast enhancement does work!

I know first hand that natural breast enhancement has worked for me. I have personally benefited from using natural breast enhancement products.

There is no one product that is going to be a complete solution for anyone, that would be like saying one diet method to lose weight will work the same for everyone, which is not the case. Everyone’s body reacts differently.

The products I have found that worked best for me are the ones reviewed below. I try to vary their use mainly because I am a strong believer that if the body gets used to something, it can prevent growth, especially if used for extended periods of time.

I like to mix it up making sure my body does not get used to one specific product or routine.

Noogleberry Pump

The Noogleberry is not a supplement but I mention it here because it can be used along with breast cream and supplement pills.

The first product I will mention which is not an herbal breast enhancement product at all but has provided me with wonderful results is the  Noogleberry breast pump,  this device has always been one of my favorites and I will tell you why.

Noogleberry Pump

The Noogleberry breast pump is not to be confused with those pumps used by lactating mothers to extract milk. This device can actually increase your breast size up to three cup sizes or bigger, some women have achieved more.

The principle behind the Noogleberry device is suction, what you get when you order the product is a hand pump and two breast cups.  The breast cups are ordered according to your current breast size. The way the device is used is by attaching the breast cups to the handheld pump and then placing a breast cup over each breast and slowly pumping, creating suction.

Creating suction in and around the breast causes more blood and oxygen to flow into the breast. What this does is stimulate tissue growth making your breasts larger. At first, the process might feel a little uncomfortable but after a few sessions, it becomes very easy.

The Noogleberry system is a great device to be used by itself, but if you can afford to implement the Noogleberry device with some kind of herbal supplement you can archive faster growth and firmness in less time. Click here to visit the official Noogleberry website


One of my longtime favorite breast supplements has been Natureday, the Natureday website has many testimonials from women who have achieved success with their product. Natureday sells different products, which include a breast tonic, cream, an oral supplement, and a breast enhancing soap.

One of the great things about Natureday is that their products can be bought as a complete solution or you can mix and match them to suit your individual needs and budget. Natureday products seem to be one of the most affordable solutions on the market. Click here to visit the official Natureday website

Natureday has been selling breast enhancement creams and supplements for over two decades. This is one of the few products that boasts real before and after pictures from customers who have submitted personal before and after results.

Natureday Breast Cream Tonic and Soap

I have been using Natureday supplements and creams for over 10 years and they are effective and work well.

The thing that convinced me to buy their product in the first place where the customer testimonials, thee are literally hundreds of them.

Natureday is a supplement that offers results that are proven by thousands of repeat customers.

Natureday contains a variety of natural herbs that contain plant estrogens (phytoestrogens) these help increase the size of your breasts and they help improve firmness.

Both young and older women will love the fact that Natureday can help eliminate sagging breasts, making them look younger and rejuvenated.

You can choose from different products Natureday sells that includes a topical breast cream, oral supplements, breast tonic, and a specially formulated soap you can use on your breasts.

Breast Actives

This last product I will mention is a product by the name of Breast Actives, it is actually one of the very first products I tried, I guess I liked their website because it is very flashy and their site makes you feel like they are catering to the rich and famous.

Breast Actives

Breast Actives come with a cream an herbal supplement and an exercise guide.

I have mixed feelings about the product, mainly because it is kind of expensive, and while I did see results good results it is still one of the more expensive solutions. Click here to visit the official Breast Actives website

So there you have it ladies, regardless of what product or method you decide to try they will all have a positive effect on increasing your breast size, the best thing of all is they are all-natural with no side effects, and contrary to what those doctors say, they do work!

Final thoughts

There are a lot of people that will say that breast supplements don’t work, however, they have been used in many cultures for centuries.

There is obviously not a big interest in spending thousands on clinical studies, especially when women can have breast augmentation surgery. I have had great results from using breast supplements and while it takes a few weeks to see results I much prefer using a natural method instead of risking my health with surgery.

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